At Pinky Lamb Media, we provide videography and production service packages for products, food, equipments introduction/review. Our high-tech, aesthetically pleasing, colorful videographic techniques will make your products stand out with a very reasonable price.
You’re hesitating between choosing a cheap freelance team with questionable quality and picking a professional agency but with high cost? Don’t worry. We got your covered! We guarantee thorough consultation to provide you with the most appropriate solution for your marketing goal. Our products also have these UNIQUE SELLING POINTS:
- Reasonable pricing for medium to small-sized business, start-up, private entities, family business
- Well rendered colors, good contrast for product videography, diverse color range for different styles according to clients’ needs (American, European, Japanese, Korean…)
- Lively motion graphic effects, but easyto-follow
- Voice talent that has native quality (for foreign related products)
Call HOTLINE 033 233 8667 or contact for booking or quotes.
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